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What the 10 Most Common Sleep Positions Mean

Every night, we slip or crawl or flop into bed, punch the pillows into place, adjust our hair, figure out the comforters and find the perfect spot. Then, with luck, we drift off to sleep and get a restful night that leaves us refreshed and ready to face the next day. It’s been said that the position we sleep in can actually say a lot about our personalities (and other things). Here’s a quick rundown.
- Fetal Position: This is where the sleeper is curled up on one side, usually with the legs curled up slightly – much like a fetus in utero. This is also a common position for couples who “spoon”. This position generally conveys a rough exterior, but a sensitive nature that needs to be protected. It’s the most common sleeping position.
- Log Position: This position is less common, and involves sleeping on one side, but with the arms and legs straight down. The arm may be curled under the pillow if that’s more comfortable. These sleepers tend to be easy-going, and social. They are also known to be trusting (sometimes to a fault).
- Yearner Position: This is the third side position. However, in this position, the arms are outstretched, as though reaching for something. These sleepers are known to be cynical and suspicious, though sometimes open-minded.
- Soldier Position: Now we’ve flipped onto our backs. The “soldier sleepers” among us lay on our backs, with legs and arms straight down. These sleepers are generally “no-fuss” sorts of people, who have high standards for themselves and others.
- Starfish Position: This is the stereotypical position that is shown in the movies. Sleeping on the back, with their hands under the pillow or behind the head. I tend to feel that this position is better for thinking and contemplating than actual sleeping, but 5% of the population snoozes this way. They tend to be good listeners and are compassionate; they also dislike being center of attention.
- Free fall Position: It’s time to do a 180 and sleep on our stomachs. These free fallers have their heads turned to the side and usually wrap their arms around the pillow. These people are usually outgoing and can be harsh. They tend to not like when people criticize them.
However, it’s not just personality traits that can be told by sleeping positions. Different health ailments can be helped or aggravated by sleeping position.
- Snoring: This is probably the most common complaint of people who share a bed or a room across the globe. People who are back-sleepers are more prone to this ailment than others, and in severe cases, sleeping on the back can lead to sleep apnea. A new mattress can also help cure snoring.
- Heartburn: This is also aggravated by back sleeping. The acid from the stomach sloshes up the esophagus and can cause acid reflux. Switching to a side sleeping position can help, as well as getting a wedge pillow or sleeping at an angle.
- Back pain: This can be caused by a bad mattress or from an outside injury; however, a bad mattress can exacerbate the problem. The general rule of thumb for back pain is whatever position is most comfortable, but bending the knees is a good way to alleviate pressure on the lumbar region.
- Neck pain: Bad pillows can make a neck injury flare up. Sleeping on the stomach is a big no-no for neck pain, usually because the neck is twisted to the side.
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